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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2024



A change is gonna come

 In my opinion, this song brings many values ​​to life, teaching people how to live with respect for those around them. Peace will give us a happy, joyful and prosperous life. I am grateful to Sam for bringing this song to eIn my opinion, this song brings many values ​​to life, teaching people how to live with respect for those around them. Peace will give us a happy, joyful and prosperous life. I am grateful to Sam for bringing this song to everyone.veryone.


  APA" this means that you should format your writing according to the guidelines in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Psychological anthropology is an approach to cultural anthropology that focuses on the intersection between the individual and culture Plagiarism is the process or practice of using another person's ideas or work and pretending that it is your own reference page is the page at the end of a written work that lists all the sources used for citations along with their bibliographic information

Chapter 2

  Name: Le Tran Phuong Uyen  Class: Computer assisted Language Learning  Date: Oct,10,2024 BO SEO   Bo Seo shares a story of a debate he had in topic 2 of his book "Good Argument." In light of this, he emphasizes the value of listening to and being humble when interacting with others who hold different opinions and how doing so can result in more fruitful conversations. Those are taken directly from his school debates. Bo Seo is aware that rather than seeing arguments as chances to learn and develop, many individuals saw them as contests to be won. But doing so might polarize people and complicate the conversation. He thus exhorts readers to view arguments as chances for cooperation and increased comprehension.  Bo Seo emphasizes the need of listening in this situation on both sides.According to him, in order to have a productive debate, one must be able to understand the other person's point of view, which entails listening intently and seeing the problem from their poin

Chapter 1

In the book's first chapter, the author describes their experience from elementary school to middle school, highlighting their time at Bush School and the difficulties they faced in comprehending social dynamics and expectations. The author is uncertain about his ability to blend in as a first-year student, especially given the discussion culture at school. He recognizes the importance of debate in Australian classrooms and its track record of turning out successful people. The author acknowledges the importance of argument in Australian classrooms and its proven ability to produce successful people as he talks about his desire to join the debate team. They discussed the audition procedure and emphasized the pressure of competing against so many other students.


  Before Bo Seo's 9th birthday, her family decided to move from Korea to Australia to live and work. She had to leave behind all the things she loved like friends, food, and culture to follow her parents' advice. From then on, she felt helpless because her persuasion could not change her parents' decisions. After spending a week living here, I complained about the weather and the language, and my parents also sympathized with me. My father prepared to buy a new place and found a school for me. My friend feels strange about me about my name, food, culture, and since then we have had some disagreements. Everything became more complicated so I learned to accept it by smiling and admitting all my mistakes.  I had an intense debate with everyone at school and we continue to have disagreements. I think there is a problem surrounding our lives, but there are many different views and ways of thinking about that problem. Each person has a solution and opinion about it


  We have a survey on the issue of abortion on campus. I found this to be an interesting experience, our group discussed legal abortion. We asked people about abortion and each person gave me their own opinion. They said that they also did not lean towards one side, they said they both agreed and disagreed and gave some reasons to convince their argument.  This student thinks that abortion should be legal because there is so many people how have a child but it’s kids having kids they are force to have kids while they want to have goal for their future. 50/50 illegal and legal cause they have to be force to keep the child but still kids so in my oppion. but I wanna be able to say that I do not want this child

A change is gonna come: Canva
